
Follow Thread

By Dara R

  • 4 Replies
  1. I’ve improved my swing by a 5 step routine I do each time before I take a drive, firstly I make sure my feet are aligned with the direction I am hitting in, next I make sure my left foot (for right handed people) is aligned with my ball, next I make sure my drivers face is positioned in the right way, next once I’m ready to hit my drive I imagine a rail road track or Parallel lines in alignment with my feet in the direction I’m hitting to give me an idea where I’m aiming, and the final step I make sure to keep my head down and then I do my back swing and swing through the ball which is key, it sounds like a complicated routine which takes time but it really isn’t, I do this process almost naturally now, also what I find useful to help my drive go straight is imagine an elastic band pulling my arms together as I take my swing.

  2. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Awesome dude! Gotta find a routine that works for you, just dont take too long or all the "slow play police" that see a young kid "playing too slow" will be on your behind!

  3. I come over the top every time I use my driver
  4. Ricky F

    Ricky F

    Move weight slightly right, swing so that the club feels like its going left of target before impact and right of target after impact (a diagonal line). Works for me. (presuming right handed)
  5. gary h

    gary h
    Torrance, CA

    I make sure my swing path is flat

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