Who's improved & shooting lower scores this summer?

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By JWarner Jr.

  • 11 Replies
  1. How's everyone's summer going... Anyone improved dramatically over the summer? In what aspect or area of y'alls game specifically did you improve the most & what piece of Titleist equipment helped you do so?

    I prefer fall golf here in the southeast- late October, November and will be excited to welcome those colorful leaves as they start to fall and bring in that crisp, cool, pure fall air!

  2. I lowered my scores on average about 3-4 strokes this year. I was able to get out more than I have in previous years, so simply playing and practicing more obviously was the biggest factor.

    I attended a TT wedge fitting day with some short game instruction and practice. That helped immensely since most hackers like myself don't practice the short game nearly enough.
  3. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    I approach every new year with a few goals. Those last few shots are always the toughest, but I'll keep grinding. For me, driving the ball is the key. Whether it's a fairway finder with a 4/5 wood, or even a hybrid, getting in position is the key!
  4. pulplvr

    Spring, TX

    Normally, my scores do improve during the summer months, with warmer weather, lots of playing time, and frequency of play. This year, however, has been just the opposite. I had no idea why, until I saw my cardiologist in early July. He sent me straight to the ER. Turned out I had some heart issues that needed to be addressed that had led to my being far more tired than usual while playing and just uncomfortable in general. Now, I'm in the recovery process and scores are a good bit higher than I'm used to. Still need to get my energy back so I can work on those areas that have deteriorated. Fingers crossed for the fall and next year.
  5. DStover

    Smithfield, NC

    After getting new T200 irons in the spring, my scores has improved. Better distance and accuracy. I did just install some vokeys hope to dial in my nemesis the short game wedges.
  6. Jon T

    Jon T
    Iowa City / Cedar Rapids, Iowa

    My summer hasn't been what I wanted it to be. I've had the goal of reaching single digits and breaking 80 - I've shot 81 twice this year and am currently at 14.4 (per GHIN on the rounds I've tracked this year). I haven't been able to post rounds like I had planned on due to absurdly high commitment levels in every other aspect of life. When I do get out I'm stuck in a seemingly never ending cycle of scrambles. It's quite frustrating.

    However, I have seen solid improvements in my long game after being fitted for a TSR driver and 3W over the winter. My penalties off the tee feel much less frequent (I'd give you stats, but you know - no one tracks shots in scrambles), and my GIR have jumped compared to last year. I can't be too down on myself, because I'm very fortunate to be able to get out and play as frequently as I do, even if it's not in the format that I want. The only thing I can do is sneak out whenever I can!
  7. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Hitting many better shots but still not consistent enough to show an improvement. Need to work on some things still and get my confidence up when over the ball.
  8. JYoung


    I have actually improved this year. Went from a 10.9 down to 8.0. Lessons over the winter and new T350 irons have helped a bunch. Goal is to get down to 5 or 6. Just have to get more consistent. For every round in the 70's I have a high 80's round. Frustrating.
  9. Decreasimg my tendency of losing balls off the Tee was a big winner for me. A driver lesson and other swing lessons helped alot too. I've practiced hard with my 5iron (200yrd) off the tee for short par 4 to keep the ball in play, which has payed off huge
  10. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Have dropped my strokes 20 shots a round to a big fat zero. Have not played since June 2nd. Figured a little humor would lighten up a boring day. Hoping all my buds have a great time in DFW. Plan on hitting the range on the 23rd. Hakuna matata.
  11. Keith M

    Keith M
    Acworth, GA

    After a layoff from golf (and work) which cut into the budget, I played both infrequently and inconsistently.

    As job prospects improved, I got back to playing regularly and slowly brought my scores more to where I feel like I should be. A couple of weeks ago shot 79 which is the first time in well over a year of breaking 80. It actually felt like a bigger accomplishment since I moved back a set of tees as well since the last time I broke 80.

    Hoping to carry the positive vibes with me into the fall weather, although I'm not a fan of once the grass goes dormant. Just a fact of life living in the South.
  12. I brought my scoring average from mid 90's to low 80's over the summer, and my ghin dropped by 9.
    I guess the 2022 Phantom x 5.5 was a major factor in my improvement... Hoping to get some blades next!

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