Fluorescent colors!

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By Bob T

  • 25 Replies
  1. Ive always worn bright colors on the course! I like to add a splash of color to the game because a lot of players wear the same colors and you have to stand out among the crowd.
  2. Looking sharp is part of the game...Looking good will make you feel good...and you never know you just might play well
  3. I completely agree with the colors..it adds spice to the game of golf
  4. Cescil A

    Cescil A
    Corona, NY

    Just dress like a golfer. No genes or cut offs. Tuck your shirt in your pants and play golf.
  5. Wear what colors/clothes you want as long as it fits within course policy. But please don't wear your pants hanging down and baggy like some of the younger generation does.
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